Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009


1.1 Video Conference
Video conference yang juga dikenal dengan video teleconference adalah suatu teknologi telekomunikasi interaktif yang memungkinkan dua lokasi atau lebih untuk berinteraksi lewat video dan audio secara simultan. Video conference berbeda dengan videophone yang memang di desain untuk melayani video antar dua orang secara individu. Teknologi utama yang digunakan dalam sistem video conference adalah kompresi digital dari suara dan video stream yang real time.
Teknologi video conference tidak lepas dari kemajuan teknologi kompresi audio dan video. Dengan banyaknya teknik kompresi yang ada saat ini memungkinkan audio dan video dapat dikirim secara bersamaan dalam jaringan dengan bandwidth yang seefisien mungkin dan dengan kualitas yang dapat diterima. Hardware atau software yang melakukan fungsi kompresi disebut dengan codec(coder/decoder). Codec merupakan singkatan dari compresi-decompresi yang merupakan proses pembungkusan suara ataupun video analog menjadi data digital dengan metoda tertentu sehinggga pengiriman suara atau video dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk paket-paket data. Codec dapat melewatkan suara atau video dalam jaringan IP dengan bandwidth yang kecil dan kualitas yang masih dapat diterima
Beberapa contoh standar codec yang sering digunakan dalam komunikasi
1. Untuk Audio
G.711 ulaw / alaw, G.729,GSM, G.723, dll.
2. Untuk Video
H.261, H.263, H.264, dll.

Layanan Video Conference bersifat seketika dengan resolusi yang baik dan interaktif. Pada jaringan digital, pengiriman suara membutuhkan kecepatan sekitar 64 Kbps dan pengiriman video membutuhkan kecepatan 1,5-2 Mbps. Untuk layanan video conference secara keseluruhan akan dibutuhkan kecepatan pengiriman sekitar 9,2 Mbps.

Komponen – komponen yang dibutuhkan untuk sebuah sistem video conference di antaranya :
1. Hardware
- Video input : camera video atau webcam
- Video output : monitor computer atau proyektor
- Audio input : microphones
- Audio output : speaker atau headphone
- Media transfer data : LAN atau Internet
2. Software
Salah satu jenis contoh software adalah Access Grid dan yang terbaru dari software tersebut adalah Access Grid 3.2 beta

Video Conference mempunyai beberapa jenis, antara lain:
1. Distributed Video Conference
Adalah suatu sistem video conference yang terdiri dari beberapa client yang melakukan konferensi secara langsung antar client yang saling berhubungan tanpa melalui sentral / control unit sebagai pengatur. Server disini berfungsi untuk proses call setup dan handshaking. Keuntungannya video dan audio yang dikirimkan mempunyai kualitas yang bagus karena tanpa direlay ke control unit dahulu.

Gambar 1. Distributed Video Conference

2. Centralized Video Conference
Adalah suatu sistem video conference yang melibatkan beberapa client dengan satu MCU (Multiparty Control Unit) untuk memfasilitasi konferensi tersebut. MCU disini berfungsi sebagai pengatur dan pengendali yang melaksanakan proses seperti audio mixing, video switching dan mixing serta distribusi data dalam konferensi multipoint dan mengirimkan kembali datanya ke terminal yang berpartisipasi. MCU juga menyediakan pertukaran antara codec yang berbeda dan mungkin menggunakan multicast untuk mendistribusikan video yang telah diproses

Dari jenis tersebut, maka video confererence pada perguruan tinggi negeri di Indonesia adalah Centralized Video Conference.

1.2 Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Video Conference pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Indonesia
a. Kelebihan Video Conference
1. Pertemuan-pertemuan yang dilakukan, seperti kuliah umum dengan dosen/bernarasumber internasional atau seminar dari satu negara dengan negara lain dapat secara online sehingga akan menghemat biaya dan waktu.
2. Informasi dan pengetahuan dapat berkembang dengan melakukan pertemuan atau diskusi dengan PT terbaik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri
3. Tatap muka jarak jauh menjadi terasa lebih nyata
4. Sebagai pendukung program e-learning PT
5. PT dapat saling berbagi resource

b. Kekurangan Video Conference
1. E-learning yang dilakukan akan kurang efektif dengan bantuan video conference, karena kurang nyata dan belajar itu perlu pemahaman langsung.
2. Bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi yang dimiliki oleh PTN dalam negeri berbeda dengan PT luar negeri

1.3 Alasan Memilih Penggunaan dan Pemanfaatan Video Conference daripada dengan via Konvensional pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Indonesia
Seperti yang telah kita ketahui bahwa banyak manfaat dari pemilihan video conference. Dengan video conference akan mendukung mobilitas dari para pengguna, perbedaan tempat tidak menjadi masalah. Video conference yang digunakan oleh perguruan tinggi negeri akan menghemat waktu yang di mana para dosen tidak perlu datang ke kampus apabila mengajar, mempermudah pertemuan beda negara dalam kuliah umum, diskusi, maupun seminar-seminar, dan akan memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan terbaru. Sedangkan apabila dengan via konvensial, pengadaan kuliah umum beda negara akan sangat tidak mungkin, apabila mugkin terjadi juga akan menelan biaya yang besar, selain itu juga akan menghabiskan waktu.

1.4 Implementasi Video Conference pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Indonesia
Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Indonesia telah berada di suatu jaringan komputer yang disediakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti) Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia atas rumusan rancangan bersama dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) dan Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS). Kemudian setelah dilaksanakan tender, maka terpilih PT Telkom sebagai penyedia infrastruktur jaringan, serta PT Multipolar sebagai Partner dari Cisco System yang menyediakan perangkat jaringan.

Jaringan yang dibuat adalah sebuah jaringan backbone yang menyambungkan 32 perguruan tinggi negeri yang ada di masing-masing propinsi di seluruh Indonesia pada tahun 2006 yang dinamakan INHERENT (Indonesia Higher Education Network) yang tujuan dan fungsi utama jaringan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia melalui pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) untuk menunjang kegiatan tridarma serta pengelolaan perguruan tinggi.

Jaringan ini terdiri dari backbone fiber optik STM-1 berkecepatan 155 Mbps untuk interkoneksi antara universitas di pulau Jawa, serta backbone leased channel berkecepatan 8 Mbps untuk universitas di pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi serta Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Universitas di daerah Indonesia Timur mendapatkan akses satelit dari Jakarta dengan kecepatan 2 Mbps. Diagram jaringan dapat dilihat pada Gambar 3.

Gambar 3. Diagram Jaringan INHERENT

Salah satu fasilitasnya adalah membantu dalam implementasi video conference antar perguruan tinggi misalnya dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan pembelajaran jarak jauh (distance learning), khususnya berbasis TIK (e-learning). Slogan INHERENT adalah open access, open content dan opensource. Video conference memuat 3 elemen itu secara langsung. Open access: setiap perguruan tinggi yang punya koneksi, bisa daftar untuk berpartisipasi. Open content: diskusi video conference terbuka untuk dilihat siapa saja yang berminat. Opensource: siapa saja boleh merekam, mengolah dan menyebarluaskan tayangan video conference.

Peralatan yang digunakan dalam fasilitas Video Conference pada jaringan INHERENT bagi PT adalah:
1. Video Conference End-Point
• Diutamakan koneksi IP (tidak perlu ISDN), conference koneksi 4-6 node
• Spesifikasi kamera: Pan Tilt Zoom harus bagus!
• Spesifikasi koneksi/signaling: H323/SIP support bandwidth 64 kbps-1Mbps
• Auto NAT H.460.18, H.460.19 Firewall Traversal
• Spesifikasi Video: H263/H264, baiknya support 16:9 (untuk widescreen)
• Alat Vicon:
Contoh : Polycom FSX 7000, Tandberg 550 MPX, Sony PCS-1, dll
• Penting harusnya sudah termasuk:
People+Content (Visual Concert, istilah Polycom)
• Perlengkapan: Wide Screen LCD Monitor atau LCD projector
Video Camera
• Renovasi ruang
2. PC Desktop
• Support Linux, prosesor minimal setara Intel Core 2 Duo atau yang
setara; disarankan 64 bit
• Memory minimal 512M
• Hardisk minimal 80 G
• Ethernet card 10/100/1000
• Video: 3D Accelerator (Intel, nVidia, dsb.)
• Monitor 17” LCD
3. PC Notebook
• Support Linux
• Berat maksimum 2 kg
• Memory minimal 512M
• Hardisk minimal 60G
• VGA: Support 3D accelerator
• Networking: Wi-Fi ready, EtherNET Card 10/100
• Serial port (untuk console maintenance)
4. Server
• Prosesor: minimal Intel Xeon 64 bit atau yang setara
• Memory: minimal 2 G
• Hardisk: SCSI/SAS aplikasi banyak transaksi, SATA
Aplikasi storage besar
• Lan: 10/100/1000
• Disarankan rackmount

Contoh implementasi penggunaan dan pemanfaatan dari video conference perguruan-perguruan tinggi negeri dengan menggunakan jaringan INHERENT adalah:
1. Video Conference Seminar, contohnya: Seminar Teknologi Grid Computing yang diselenggarakan oleh Sun Microsystem bekerjasama dengan Universitas Indonesia, disaksikan oleh empat universitas (ITB, Unibraw, UNDIP dan UGM).
2. Aktivitas Video Conference untuk rapat antara Dikti dengan Universitas penerima Hibah K-1
3. 08 Mei 2007, Launching program CMDG dan GLAD yang dilakukan oleh ITB 11
4. 23-02-2009, 10:00-12:00: GDLN UI dan FE UI akan mengadakan kembali studium generale bidang manajemen dengan topik Marketing in Crisis, pembicara: Rhenald Kasali, PhD.
5. 25-02-2009, 15.00-16.00: Dikti bekerjasama dengan British Council akan mengadakan widya telewicara tentang perguruan tinggi di UK dalam 4 sesi. Sesi keempat adalah tentang pendidikan Tourism & Hospitality related
6. 14-10-2008, 09:00-12:00: UGM: Ekspose dan Diskusi Mengembangkan Kerja Sama Indonesia- Swedia dalam Pemanfaatan Limbah (Waste Refinery), program pemanfaatan limbah ini digagas oleh jurusan Teknik Kimia UGM bekerja sama dengan University of Boras dan Boras Municipality (Pemerintah Boras), Swedia
7. 25-07-2008, 14.00-18.00: UGM-ITB-GDLN: International Video Workshop on Brick Masonry Structure. Sebagai bagian dari kerjasama antara Building Research Institute, Tokyo, dengan beberapa negara: Nepal, Pakistan dan Indonesia (UGM dan ITB)

Selain di atas, ada contoh implementasi penggunaan dan pemenfaatan video conference yang tidak menggunakan jaringan INHERENT yaitu pada Universitas Indonesia:
1. Video-Conference ALSA Universitas Indonesia dengan ALSA Waseda University, Jepang
Pendidikan hukum tingkat sarjana (S1) di FHUI telah memasuki ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dengan penggunaan fasilitas Video Conference yang tersedia di Ruang Multimedia Soemadipradja & Taher.
Asian Law Student Association (ALSA) Komite Lokal Universitas Indonesia yang pertama kali menyelenggarakan Video Conference dengan ALSA Waseda University, Jepang.
Kegiatan yang berupa seminar antar mahasiswa ini dilakukan pada tanggal 28 Juni 2007 yang membahas tema “Freedom of Religion”. Tema ini diangkat untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktek kebebasan beragama di kedua negara. Dengan demikian, dosen dan mahasiswa FHUI akan memiliki kualitas sebanding dengan dosen dan mahasiswa berbagai fakultas hukum di mancanegara.
2. Video conference dengan University of California, Berkeley
Pada hari Kamis, 8 November 2007, telah diadakan acara video conference dengan University of California, Berkeley. Acara ini berlangsung di ruang multimedia Soemadipradja & Taher mulai pukul 09.00 sampai 11.00 WIB. Acara ini merupakan kerjasama antara BEM FHUI dengan BSO ILMS. Dalam acara ini, peserta mendengarkan kuliah yang disampaikan oleh Prof. Andre T. Guzman mengenai topik yang diangkat dalam acara ini adalah Women’s Rights Under International Law atau Hak-hak Wanita Menurut Hukum Internasional. Prof. Andre T. Guzman adalah Profesor di bidang hukum yang saat ini mengajar di University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley).
Hal-hal yang dibahas adalah mengenai diskriminasi terhadap wanita yang banyak terjadi di dunia pada masa sekarang ini. Untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut, disusunlah suatu konvensi wanita yang bernama Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Konvensi ini bertujuan untuk melindungi segala hak wanita yang terdiskriminasikan.

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

otHEr , aNOthER ...

The words another, other, others and else are used to indicate one or more additional or different things.

Another is formed from a combination of the words an and other, and has a meaning similar to one other. When used as an adjective, another can precede only a singular countable noun. When used as a pronoun, another takes a singular verb.
e.g. Please bring me another knife.
Another of her uncles lives in Montreal.
In the first example, another modifies the singular noun knife. In the second example, the pronoun another is the subject of the singular verb lives.

Other can be used with singular countable, plural countable or uncountable nouns.
e.g. The other door is open.
The other streets are paved.
Do you have any other luggage?
In these examples, other modifies the singular countable noun door, the plural countable noun streets, and the uncountable noun luggage.

Another usually cannot be immediately preceded by a determiner. In contrast, when used before a singular countable noun, other usually must be preceded by a determiner.
e.g. Please pass me the other cup.
I do not know any other way to do it.
There must be some other explanation.
In these examples, other is used with the singular countable nouns cup, way and explanation, and is preceded by the determiners the, any and some.

When other modifies a singular countable noun, the noun is sometimes omitted, particularly in the expression one ... the other.
e.g. I have two pens. One is green and the other is blue.
One of my parents is a teacher; the other is a doctor.

In these examples, the nouns following the word other are understood, rather than expressed. In the following sentences, the nouns which are understood are enclosed in square brackets.
e.g. I have two pens. One is green and the other [pen] is blue.
One of my parents is a teacher; the other [parent] is a doctor.

Others is a pronoun. Others can be used to take the place of the word other, followed by a plural countable noun.
e.g. Those trees are hemlocks; the others are pines.
Ten people belong to the group, and five others are planning to join.
In the first example, others takes the place of the words other trees. In the second example, others takes the place of the words other people.

Others is often used in the expression some ... others.
e.g. Some books are easy to read, but others are quite difficult.
Some people like classical music, while others prefer jazz.

The word else has a meaning similar to other. However, rather than being used as an adjective preceding a noun, else usually follows interrogative pronouns such as who and what, and indefinite pronouns such as anyone and someone.
e.g. Who else was at the meeting?
What else is on the agenda?
Has anyone else solved the problem?
Someone else may be able to help you.


The three articles — a, an, the — are a kind of adjective. The is called the definite article because it usually precedes a specific or previously mentioned noun; a and an are called indefinite articles because they are used to refer to something in a less specific manner (an unspecified count noun). These words are also listed among the noun markers or determiners because they are almost invariably followed by a noun (or something else acting as a noun).
CAUTION! Even after you learn all the principles behind the use of these articles, you will find an abundance of situations where choosing the correct article or choosing whether to use one or not will prove chancy. Icy highways are dangerous. The icy highways are dangerous. And both are correct.
The is used with specific nouns. The is required when the noun it refers to represents something that is one of a kind:
The moon circles the earth.
The is required when the noun it refers to represents something in the abstract:
The United States has encouraged the use of the private automobile as opposed to the use of public transit.
The is required when the noun it refers to represents something named earlier in the text. (See below..)

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary says that we can use an before an h- word that begins with an unstressed syllable. Thus, we might say an hisTORical moment, but we would say a HIStory book. Many writers would call that an affectation and prefer that we say a historical, but apparently, this choice is a matter of personal taste.We use a before singular count-nouns that begin with consonants (a cow, a barn, a sheep); we use an before singular count-nouns that begin with vowels or vowel-like sounds (an apple, an urban blight, an open door). Words that begin with an h sound often require an a (as in a horse, a history book, a hotel), but if an h-word begins with an actual vowel sound, use an an (as in an hour, an honor). We would say a useful device and a union matter because the u of those words actually sounds like yoo (as opposed, say, to the u of an ugly incident). The same is true of a European and a Euro (because of that consonantal "Yoo" sound). We would say a once-in-a-lifetime experience or a one-time hero because the words once and one begin with a w sound (as if they were spelled wuntz and won).
For help on using articles with abbreviations and acronyms (a or an FBI agent?), see the section on Abbreviations.

First and subsequent reference: When we first refer to something in written text, we often use an indefinite article to modify it.
A newspaper has an obligation to seek out and tell the truth.
In a subsequent reference to this newspaper, however, we will use the definite article:
There are situations, however, when the newspaper must determine whether the public's safety is jeopardized by knowing the truth.
Another example:
"I'd like a glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put the glass of juice on the counter already," Sheila replied.
When a modifier appears between the article and the noun, the subsequent article will continue to be indefinite:
"I'd like a big glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put a big glass of juice on the counter already," Sheila replied.
Generic reference: We can refer to something in a generic way by cautionusing any of the three articles. We can do the same thing by omitting the article altogether.
  • A beagle makes a great hunting dog and family companion.
  • An airedale is sometimes a rather skittish animal.
  • The golden retriever is a marvelous pet for children.
  • Irish setters are not the highly intelligent animals they used to be.
The difference between the generic indefinite pronoun and the normal indefinite pronoun is that the latter refers to any of that class ("I want to buy a beagle, and any old beagle will do.") whereas the former (see beagle sentence) refers to all members of that class.
Proper nouns: We use the definite article with certain kinds of proper nouns:
  • Geographical places: the Sound, the Sea of Japan, the Mississippi, the West, the Smokies, the Sahara (but often not when the main part of the proper noun seems to be modified by an earlier attributive noun or adjective: We went swimming at the Ocean Park)
  • Pluralized names (geographic, family, teams): the Netherlands, the Bahamas, the Hamptons, the Johnsons, the New England Patriots
  • Public institutions/facilities/groups: the Wadsworth Atheneum, the Sheraton, the House, the Presbyterian Church
  • Newspapers: the Hartford Courant, the Times
  • Nouns followed by a prepositional phrase beginning with "of": the leader of the gang, the president of our club

Abstract nouns: Abstract nouns—the names of things that are not tangible—are sometimes used with articles, sometimes not:
  • The storm upset my peace of mind. He was missing just one thing: peace of mind.
  • Injustice was widespread within the judicial system itself. He implored the judge to correct the injustice.
  • Her body was racked with grief. It was a grief he had never felt before.

Zero articles: Several kinds of nouns never use articles. We do not use articles with the names of languages ("He was learning Chinese." [But when the word Chinese refers to the people, the definite article might come into play: "The Chinese are hoping to get the next Olympics."]), the names of sports ("She plays badminton and basketball."), and academic subjects ("She's taking economics and math. Her major is Religious Studies.")
When they are generic, non-count nouns and sometimes plural count-nouns are used without articles. "We like wine with our dinner. We adore Baroque music. We use roses for many purposes." But if an "of phrase" comes after the noun, we use an article: "We adore the music of the Baroque." Also, when a generic noun is used without an article and then referred to in a subsequent reference, it will have become specific and will require a definite article: "The Data Center installed computers in the Learning Center this summer. The computers, unfortunately, don't work."
Common count nouns are used without articles in certain special situations:
idiomatic expressions
using be and go
We'll go by train. (as opposed to "We'll take the train.)
He must be in school.
with seasons
In spring, we like to clean the house.
with institutions
He's in church/college/jail/class.
with meals
Breakfast was delicious.
He's preparing dinner by himself.
with diseases
He's dying of pneumonia.
Appendicitis nearly killed him.
She has cancer
(You will sometimes hear "the measles," "the mumps," but these, too, can go without articles.)
with time of day
We traveled mostly by night.
We'll be there around midnight.

Principles of Choosing an Article

Choosing articles and determiners: Briefly defined, a determiner is a noun-marker: when you see one, you know that what follows is a noun or noun phrase. There is a list of such words in the table below. When you place your mouse-cursor over a word or pair of related words (such as either/neither), you will see in the right-hand frame an image describing the kinds of words that word can modify.
Zero article (see table below) means either that no article would be appropriate with that kind of noun or that that kind of noun can be used (in that context) without an article.

Notice that there is a difference between a "stressed" some or any and an "unstressed" some or any. Consider the words in ALL CAPS as shouted words and you will hear the difference between these two:
  • That is SOME car you've got there!
  • I don't want to hear ANY excuse!
As opposed to. . .
  • We have some cars left in the lot.
  • Isn't there any furniture in the living room?
In terms of the words they usually modify, the unstressed some and any do not modify singular count nouns.


  • Determiners are used at the beginning of noun groups.
  • We use specific determiners when people know exactly which things or people you are talking about.
  • We use general determiners to talk about people or things without saying exactly who or what they are.
  • 1. When we use a determiner, we put it at the beginning of a noun group, in front of numbers or adjectives.

    I met the two Swedish girls in London.

    Our main bedroom is through that door.

    Have you got another red card?

    Several young boys were waiting outside.

    2. When the people or things that you are talking about have already been mentioned, or the people you are talking to know exactly which ones you mean, you use a specific determiner.

    The man began to run towards the boy.

    Young people don't like these operas.

    Her face was very red.

    The specific determiners are:

    the definite article: the
    demonstratives: this that these those
    possessives: my your his her its our their

    Note that "your" is used both for the singular and plural possessive.

    3. When you are mentioning people or things for the first time, or talking about them generally without saying exactly which ones you mean, you use a general determiner.

    There was a man in the lift.

    We went to an art exhibition.

    You can stop at any time you like.

    There were several reasons for this.

    The general determiners are:


    4. Each general determiner is used with particular types of noun. You use some general determiners with:

    • singular count nouns

    I got a postcard from Susan.

    Any big tin container will do.

    He opened another shop last month.

    • plural count nouns

    There were few doctors available.

    He spoke many different languages.

    Several projects had to be postponed.

    • uncount nouns

    There was little applause.

    We need more information.

    He did not speak much English.

    WARNING: The following general determiners can never be used with uncount nouns.


    5. Most of the determiners are also pronouns, except "the", "a", "an", "every", "no" and the possessives.

    I saw several in the woods last night.

    Have you got any that I could borrow?

    There is enough for all of us.

    You use "one" as a pronoun instead of "a" or "an", "none" instead of "no", and "each" instead of "every"

    Have you got one?

    There are none left.

    Each has a separate box and number.